Welcome to the North Carolina State Council
Our Mission is to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to lost souls, making disciples of them; to plant churches and bring them into our fellowship; to teach, train and develop pastors to grow their congregations, and net worth while embracing the Apostles’ Doctrine that was once and for all delivered unto the saints. The North Carolina State Council is an active affiliate of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.
We provide motivation and tools for the churches of this council as we set goals that will take each to the next level of Kingdom work through leadership conferences and pastoral institutes, with the emphasis on Leadership Training for leaders.
Headquartered in North Carolina, Our Council Covers 7 Regions that involve churches from Maryland, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia
Click Below to View More About our NC State Council Ministries & Auxiliaries
Ministers’ Wives I Missionaries I Men’s ministry I Young People I Children’s church I Christian Education I
Evangelism I Music & Arts I Usher Board I Health Professionals I Public Relations I Registrars